Stairway to Redemption
Hi I'm Benyi Johnson and I struggled with addiction for 7 years. However, in the summer of 2022 I decided to change my life and went into rehab. I started this podcast 90 days clean, and I want to take others along in my journey. Many challenges lie ahead of me and to be frank, I'm not sure if I will ever drink again. This is how Stairway to Redemption was born. It is my search for answers to what is going to work for me thus my aspiration to help those who are also battling active addiction figure out what will work for them.
Stairway to Redemption
Episode 28: Solo Episode V
Hi and welcome to Stairway to Redemption. This week going to be another solo episode. I was due for one. The topics
- State of the podcast and Patreon page
- Planning my possible re-insertion in the corporate world
- The importance of fitness in my recovery
- Non-Alcoholic bar (Hekate) with my ex-gf
- Trip to Canada and logging off social media for few days.
Hekate IG: @hekatenyc
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